Friday 4 March 2016

Durex-Powered SOS Condoms App Discreet Condom Delivery Service in Kenya

 You never know when she might come over or accept to ride along with you. Carrying a condom in your wallet is a thing of the past and having it with you can mess your day if it is seen by a lady.
It’s almost a Murphy’s law I would say: you never have a condom when you really need one… Well, this is the insight that inspired Durex and Buzzman Middle East to come up with a pretty useful condoms delivery service that promises to deliver the product, every day from 4 pm to 4 am, within an hour from the moment the “order” is placed.

The British condom maker Durex launched a condom delivery service that helps you in the moment of sexual despair. With its iOS app “SOS Condoms” Durex promises to deliver condoms within one hour by using your location. So you either need to think a little bit in advance or prolong the foreplay. The original thing is that the “package” will be delivered in disguise by either a pizza guy, a tourist or a police officer. I wonder how in Kenya this app would work if the named individuals are the actual ones who will deliver the condom to you and lets say the person's location is Muliro Gardens. What do you think?

Right now, the service is only available in Dubai but on people can vote for their city to be the next. Right now, Paris has taken the lead followed by Warsaw, Sofia and Montreal.

 SOS Condoms seems to be a cool viral campaign for Durex which could turn out to be an original service in several cities, depending on the demand. In big cities, there should be enough men who find themselves in such a worst case scenario, so we are going to watch SOS Condom’s development and keep you in the loop.

1 comment:

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